News and Events

[2020-11-16] Pro-EMFATIC 2020R2 Release

We are proud to announce that Pro-EMFATIC 2020R2 has been released.
This version will support FEMAP 2020.2, 2020.2 MP1 and 2020.2 MP2.

[2020-04-17] Pro-EMFATIC 2020R1 Release

We are proud to announce that Pro-EMFATIC 2020R1 has been released.
Supports FEMAP 2019.1 and 2019.1 MP1.
Supports FEMAP 2020.1, 2020.1 MP1 and 2020.1 MP2.

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We are proud to announce that Pro-EMFATIC V3.2 has been released. This release brings a number of exciting enhancements, some of which are listed below.
New Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Module Pro-EMFATIC V3.2 supports parallel processing for multi-core processors, which greatly improves the calculation speed of large models.
New evaluation method in handling negative mean stress Pro-EMFATIC V3.2 introduces a new evaluation method to handle negative compressive mean stress, thereby significantly improves the fatigue safety factor calculations, resulting in more accurate durability assessment.
To learn more about Pro-EMFATIC V3.2, please contact us.