
Value of Fatigue Analysis and Pro-EMFATIC

Fatigue damage is one of the most common causes of structural failure. Each year, damages from material fatigue and fractures cost the global economy billions of dollars. Fatigue analysis during the design phase is imperative to maximizing product durability, and avoiding the often costly and sometimes disastrous consequences due to fatigue failure. Pro-EMFATIC is a powerful fatigue analysis tool that provides a comprehensive yet time and cost efficient way to predict material fatigue and structural life, thereby advancing product research, design, and development while reducing production costs in the long run.

What is Pro-EMFATIC?

Pro-EMFATIC is a state-of-the-art durability analysis and fatigue calculation software. Using strain and stress data obtained through testing or FE calculations, Pro-EMFATIC provides complete material fatigue evaluation and structural life prediction. It evaluates fatigue damage, life and safety factors, offering a wide range of fatigue calculation methods for different industries.

Three Pro-EMFATIC products are currently available:

  • Pro-EMFATIC for measurement is a comprehensive durability software package supporting test data.
  • Pro-EMFATIC for FEMAP is an integrated module for FEMAP, a Windows-based finite element analysis software package.
  • Pro-EMFATIC SDK is a Software Development Kit (SDK) that can be used by other commercial FEA and/or in-house software for durability assessments.